Being as Iconic: Aquinas on 'He Who Is' as the Name for God.

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    Aquinas claims that 'He Who Is' is the most proper of the names we have for God. But this attempt to 'describe' God with a philosophical concept like 'being' can seem dangerously close to creating a false conception based on our limited understanding - an idol. A dominant criticism of Aquinas' use of this term is that any attempt to use 'being' to describe God will inevitably make him merely some object in our ontology alongside other beings, unacceptably mitigating God's radical transcendence and otherness. I will argue that Aquinas has a very creative response to this charge: 'being' stands in a unique relationship as the only concept that can ensure we do not draw God under some particular creaturely limit and thus use divine names to create an 'idol'. In other words, 'being' is a special paradigm concept/term which ensures that we preserve humility in our attempts to name God.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)163-174
    Number of pages12
    JournalInternational Journal of Systematic Theology
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 2017

    User-Defined Keywords

    • THOMAS, Aquinas, Saint, ca. 1225-1274
    • NAME of God
    • PHILOSOPHICAL anthropology
    • GOD in literature
    • DOCTRINAL theology


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