Assessment of human diploid genome assembly with 10x Linked-Reads data

Lu Zhang, Xin Zhou, Ziming Weng, Arend Sidow

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articlepeer-review

16 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Producing cost-effective haplotype-resolved personal genomes remains challenging. 10x Linked-Read sequencing, with its high base quality and long-range information, has been demonstrated to facilitate de novo assembly of human genomes and variant detection. In this study, we investigate in depth how the parameter space of 10x library preparation and sequencing affects assembly quality, on the basis of both simulated and real libraries. Results: We prepared and sequenced eight 10x libraries with a diverse set of parameters from standard cell lines NA12878 and NA24385 and performed whole-genome assembly on the data. We also developed the simulator LRTK-SIM to follow the workflow of 10x data generation and produce realistic simulated Linked-Read data sets. We found that assembly quality could be improved by increasing the total sequencing coverage (C) and keeping physical coverage of DNA fragments (CF) or read coverage per fragment (CR) within broad ranges. The optimal physical coverage was between 332× and 823× and assembly quality worsened if it increased to >1,000× for a given C. Long DNA fragments could significantly extend phase blocks but decreased contig contiguity. The optimal length-weighted fragment length (W) was ∼50-150 kb. When broadly optimal parameters were used for library preparation and sequencing, ∼80% of the genome was assembled in a diploid state. Conclusions: The Linked-Read libraries we generated and the parameter space we identified provide theoretical considerations and practical guidelines for personal genome assemblies based on 10x Linked-Read sequencing.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbergiz141
Number of pages11
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2019

Scopus Subject Areas

  • Computer Science Applications
  • Health Informatics

User-Defined Keywords

  • de novo assembly
  • 10x Linked-Read sequencing
  • diploid human genome
  • library preparation


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