An economic model of teaching to the test

To Ming Ho, Ryan K L Man

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paperpeer-review


This paper is the first to study the effect of teaching to the test on student achievement using an economic model. Building on Correa and Gruver (1987), teaching to the test, consisting of item and curriculum teaching, was incorporated into the student’s perceived achievement equation of the teacher-student interaction framework. This present model assumes student’s real achievement is a function of student effort and teacher effort with utility-maximizing student and teacher determining their own efforts. Comparative static results derived from the model indicate that the effect of teaching to the test on student’s real learning may vary depending on student’s utility preferences and teaching to the test function.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2012
Event6th Annual International Conference on Business and Society in a Global Economy - Athens, Greece
Duration: 17 Dec 201220 Dec 2012


Conference6th Annual International Conference on Business and Society in a Global Economy


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