All-perfluoropolymer, nonlinear stability-assisted monolithic surface combines topology-specific superwettability with ultradurability

Wanbo Li, Chiu-wing Chan, Zeyu Li, Sin-Yung Siu, Siyu Chen, Han Sun, Zeyu Liu, Yisu Wang, Chong Hu, Nicola Maria Pugno, Richard N. Zare, Hongkai Wu*, Kangning Ren*

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12 Citations (Scopus)


Developing versatile and robust surfaces that mimic the skins of living beings to regulate air/liquid/solid matter is critical for many bioinspired applications. Despite notable achievements, such as in the case of developing robust superhydrophobic surfaces, it remains elusive to realize simultaneously topology-specific superwettability and multipronged durability owing to their inherent tradeoff and the lack of a scalable fabrication method. Here, we present a largely unexplored strategy of preparing an all-perfluoropolymer (Teflon), nonlinear stability-assisted monolithic surface for efficient regulating matters. The key to achieving topology-specific superwettability and multilevel durability is the geometric-material mechanics design coupling superwettability stability and mechanical strength. The versatility of the surface is evidenced by its manufacturing feasibility, multiple-use modes (coating, membrane, and adhesive tape), long-term air trapping in 9-m-deep water, low-fouling droplet transportation, and self-cleaning of nanodirt. We also demonstrate its multilevel durability, including strong substrate adhesion, mechanical robustness, and chemical stability, all of which are needed for real-world applications.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100389
Number of pages8
JournalThe Innovation
Issue number2
Early online date9 Feb 2023
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023

Scopus Subject Areas

  • General

User-Defined Keywords

  • biomimetic materials
  • 3D structure
  • nonlinear stability
  • superwettability
  • robustness


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