'A-securitization' of immigration policy-the case of European Union

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    This paper draws on the ‘securitization’ thesis with regard to immigration policy of the European Union and its members. Contrary to existing literature, it is claimed that the current immigration crisis that the European Union faces is driven by an opposite dynamic, which produces ‘a-securitization’ – a phenomenon defined, in this paper, as a condition where important social phenomena are declared security irrelevant and consequently treated as such (both explicitly or implicitly).

    The analysis of the ongoing debate leads the author to identify major actors (drivers) on the pro-immigration side, their institutional forms and principles to which they adhere. These actors include: national political elites, the EU and its institutions, multinational companies and mass media.

    The thesis of ‘a-securitization’ is proposed as a theoretical explanation that allows us to account for a number of seemingly illogical phenomena taking place at the EU level and at national levels regarding both national and human security of European societies as well as a majority of immigrants.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)25-56
    Number of pages32
    JournalAsia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2016

    User-Defined Keywords

    • A-Securitization
    • Security
    • Immigration
    • EU


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