A scoping review on language assessment literacy: Trends, Focus and Implications

Ling Gan, Ricky Lam

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paperpeer-review


    Language assessment literacy (LAL) has become a crucial research agenda in language testing and assessment and generated substantial literature. Thus far, no comprehensive analysis has been conducted. The current study used a scoping review to synthesise LAL studies from 2008 to 2020. A total of 75 papers were reviewed, addressing research questions concerning (1) the overall trend and progress, (2) the research foci and (3) implications for teacher education and professional development. The review found that there was an upward trend in LAL studies, which were conducted predominantly in China, Iran, Turkey, Columbia and Europe and that most studies preferred qualitative over quantitative and mixed-methods designs. An overwhelming majority of studies focused on language teachers, especially EFL teachers, while few were conducted from perspectives of learners, policy makers, language testers and other stakeholders. The review also discovered that most studies researched stakeholders’ LAL levels, needs and enhancement, overlooking LAL developmental trajectories, LAL localised components and development of LAL measures. Three categories were identified from implications of LAL studies for teacher education and professional development. Based on the findings, some guidelines were suggested for future research.


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