A Consequential Evaluation of a Christian Approach to International Human Rights

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    In Christian ethics, the concept of imago Dei provides a moral foundation for dignity and human rights. Nevertheless, there are still gaps to fill in explaining the connections between Christianity and human rights. Based on the consequential evaluation of international human rights, this paper shows that Christian ideas, such as imago Dei and ideas from the Reformed tradition, can help us develop a more complete normative account of international human rights, of which two prominent examples, political rights and human rights to health, are discussed in detail.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)129-155
    Number of pages27
    JournalChing Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture
    Issue number1-2
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2020

    User-Defined Keywords

    • imago Dei
    • Christianity
    • Reformation
    • consequential evaluation
    • international human rights


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