
Translated title of the contribution: Causative Verb, Related Syntactical and Semantic Structure in Modern Chinese

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articlepeer-review



    The major causative verbs in modern Chinese are:令, 遣, 使, 教, 著, 放 etc. When they are combined, they form compound words such as 令使, 使令, 令教, 教令, 遣放, 放教, 著令. Originally they have their own meanings, however, since they are always used as “V1” in the “NP 1+V1 [使/令/遣] + NP 2 + V 2” structure, they lose their concrete meaning as well as their meaning is invariably reduced to “cause, lead to”. The time when this change takes place and becomes largely in use varies. Some like “令, 使, 遣, 教” were found in use as causative verbs since Qin and Han period and “教, 交, 著” since Tang and Song period, while “叫 , 让” were not used as causative verbs until Ming and Qing period . Verbs like 使, 令, 遣 have the sense of commanding and assigning tasks in the beginning. However, 教, 交, 著, 叫, 让 take a detour path to attain causative meaning. As a result, the degree of causative meaning they express differentiates when used in a causative structure.
    Translated title of the contributionCausative Verb, Related Syntactical and Semantic Structure in Modern Chinese
    Original languageChinese (Simplified)
    Pages (from-to)82-91
    Number of pages10
    Issue number7
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2006

    User-Defined Keywords

    • 近代汉语
    • 使役动词
    • 使役句
    • modern Chinese
    • causative verbs light
    • verb causative sentences


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