耦合混沌系统的相同步: 从高维混沌到低维混沌

Translated title of the contribution: Phase synchronization in coupled chaotic systems: transitions from high-to low-d imensional chaos

郑志刚*, 胡岗, 周昌松, 胡斑比

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


混沌系统的相同步现象是近几年混沌同步研究的热点,它反映了混沌运动中的有序行为.用分岔树来研究耦合系统相同步的进程,并用Lyapunov指数谱来探讨系统动力学在相同步时从高维混沌向低维混沌过渡的进程.发现了从多个有理同步的时间交替到完全相同步的道路.还 发现了相同步中的混沌抑制及通过倍周期分岔向混沌同步的恢复.此外,研究表明,非对称 耦合可以大大加强耦合系统的相同步,这对实际应用有重要的意义.

Phase synchronization in coupled chaotic systems is an interesting topic in recent years on nonlinear dynamics. Phase synchronization implies an ordered behavio r embedded in chaotic motions. Recent progress on phase synchronizations is revi ewed.The synchronization process is exhibited by applying the bifurcation tree.T he synchronization process is identified as transitions from high-to low-dimensional chaos.An alternative phase locking among various rational ratios is found. Chaos suppression and the restoration to chaos synchronization via period-doubli ng is studied.It is found that asymmetric coupling can greatly enhance the phase synchronization of coupled oscillators.

Translated title of the contributionPhase synchronization in coupled chaotic systems: transitions from high-to low-d imensional chaos
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)2320-2327
Number of pages8
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2000

Scopus Subject Areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy

User-Defined Keywords

  • Bifurcation tree
  • Lyapunov exponents
  • Phyase synchronization


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