
Translated title of the contribution: An Overview of the Perception and Dispute Regarding “ Ancient Poems” during the Han Wei and Six Dynasties

傅刚, 傅斯原

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articlepeer-review


魏晋南北朝时对古诗的认识经历了一个较长过程,当时对何为“古诗” 有不同认识,对古诗的时 代和作者,也有不同意见。 本文以翔实的材料,对古诗称呼的出现、汉末保存和流布的区域、古诗拟写,以 及古诗作者不同认识等问题,一一梳理,详为讨论。 有关建安诗人诗歌中引用和化用古诗、古诗是经汉乐 府机关搜集,所以汉末乱后能够保存并流布于洛阳的看法,都是本文的新观点。

The perception of the “ ancient poem” genre during the Wei-Jin period underwent a complex evolution. There were various interpretations of what constituted “ ancient poems,” alongside differing views on the periods and authors associated with these works. This paper conducts a detailed examination of several key aspects: the origin of the term “ ancient poems,” the preservation and dissemination of these poems at the end of the Han Dynasty, practices of imitating ancient poems, and the diverse perspectives of the poets themselves. Notable contributions of this study include discussions on how Jian'an poets incorporated and transformed ancient poems in their own compositions, and the view that these poems were amassed by the Music Bureau of the Han Dynasty. This collection facilitated their survival and spread in Luoyang after the turmoil at the end of the Han period.
Translated title of the contributionAn Overview of the Perception and Dispute Regarding “ Ancient Poems” during the Han Wei and Six Dynasties
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)98-104
Number of pages7
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 25 Jul 2024

User-Defined Keywords

  • 古诗名称
  • 作者
  • 时代
  • 流布区域
  • the origin of “ancient poems”
  • authors
  • time of composition
  • era
  • distribution region


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