普世主義 vs 愛國主義: 孰好?孰壞?

Translated title of the contribution: Universalism versus patriotism: Which is better?

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal article


    在現代世界,民族─國家(nation-state)的重要性是無庸置疑的,而民族主義、愛國主義與普世主義之爭由來已久。馬莎‧紐斯邦(Martha Nussbaum)在1994年的一篇文章再次牽起新一輪的辯論。本文會介紹紐斯邦和幾個回應者的討論,綜合反對她和支持她的主要論點,並探討這幾個問題:愛國主義在道德上孰好孰壞?道德關懷的普遍性與愛國主義的特殊性之間是否有矛盾?普世主義是否優於愛國主義?本文對各種立場作出批判性評估,最後認為最合理的立場是:紐斯邦的原則性普世主義問題重重,但普世主義作為一種理想仍然是有價值的。一些協調性的立場(如公民愛國主義)也是可取的方案,但最後的答案也要視乎不少處境的因素。

    In the modern world, the importance of nation-states is undeniable. The debate between nationalism/patriotism with cosmopolitanism has a long history. An article written by Martha Nussbaum in 1994 has attracted a lot of responses, and leads to a new round of debate. In this essay, I will introduce Nussbaum's cosmopolitanism and summarize the arguments for and against her position. I will explore these questions: Is patriotism a morally good thing or bad thing? Is the universality of moral concern incompatible with the particularity of patriotism? Is cosmopolitanism a better position than patriotism? I will critically evaluate various positions concerning this debate, and propose that the most reasonable position is as follows: Nussbaum's cosmopolitanism as it stands is quite problematic, but the ideal of cosmopolitanism is still valuable. Some reconciliatory position like civic patriotism is a defensible position, but the final answer depends on a lot of contextual factors.
    Translated title of the contributionUniversalism versus patriotism: Which is better?
    Original languageChinese (Traditional)
    Pages (from-to)129-153
    Number of pages25
    Issue number8
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2012

    User-Defined Keywords

    • 普世主義
    • 愛國主義
    • 世界公民
    • 普遍理性
    • 瑪莎‧紐斯邦
    • Cosmopolitanism
    • Patriotism
    • World Citizen
    • Universal Reason
    • Martha Nussbaum


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