
Translated title of the contribution: Measuring News Content and Press Performance: The Case of Hong Kong

黃煜, 郭中實, 杜耀明, 陳芳怡

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articlepeer-review


新聞報道是一種以事實為基礎的社會建構,報章宣稱為大眾提供最新資訊、為大眾服務,但市民往往認為報章渲染暴力、過分煽情,因此,如何測量新聞的表現成為一個重要的學術課題。為瞭解香港新聞媒介表現,本研究採用六個兩維結構量度表(包括資訊/娛樂化、事實/解釋性、本土/國際視野、集中/多元化、監督/正面維護,以及倡導/專業式報道等六個層面),考察和分析了當前香港十四份銷售報章對各類新聞報道的內容建構。研究共對27,797 篇報道進行了內容分析,結果發現(1)香港報章的新聞報道在題材、手法、風格、功能方面雖有其基本特色及格局,亦不乏類同之處;(2)大部份報章的標題均帶有主觀性判斷,而報道亦趨向表達單一觀點/角度,這並不只限於市場大眾化報紙,亦包括精英類及親建制報章;(3)報章通過新聞報道提高公眾知情權,從而監察權力機構的力度,並不如想像中強大。研究結果有助探討在回歸後多重變遷湧現加上激烈競爭下,本港傳媒內容的特色,亦可作為解讀香港新聞媒介整體表現的參照數據。

The salience of press performance as a communication concept has gained ascendancy in recent years because of its increasing centrality in shaping sociopolitical reality. In Hong Kong, a major source of public concern comes from the conflict between press claims of service to public interest and readers’ perception of the contrary. This research measures local press performance in terms of practice and functions by employing six bipolar dimensional scales: 1) informing-entertaining; 2) factual-interpretive; 3) local-cosmopolitan; 4) focused-diversified; 5) watchdog-boosterism; and 6) advocacy-professionalism. A large-scale content analysis of all 14 newspapers currently in circulation in Hong Kong was conducted and 27,797 news stories were content analyzed. Findings show that: 1) local newspapers differ in topics covered, approaches and styles in reporting; 2) presence of subjective wordings in news headlines is common in all newspapers; and 3) the general belief that news helps to inform the public and monitor power is not clearly evident in the analysis. The research findings reveal some major characteristics of news coverage in Hong Kong after the handover.

Translated title of the contributionMeasuring News Content and Press Performance: The Case of Hong Kong
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)147-174
Number of pages28
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2010

User-Defined Keywords

  • 香港報章
  • 新聞媒介
  • 媒介表現
  • 內容分析
  • community newspaper
  • news media
  • media performance
  • content analysis


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