從〔社會排斥〕到〔社會融合〕談中國社會福利政策的取向: 以城鎮中的農民工社會保障制度為例

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    本文通過對歐洲社會福利政策研究中社會排斥和社會融合取向的作用進行簡要的歷史回顧,並反思社會排斥為主的福利政策研究取向對中國福利政策研究的影響。通過對有關農民工社會福利制度現狀的研究文獻綜述,筆者發現,大多數的研究實際上都是取自社會排斥角度,在探討社會排斥研究模式可能在中國社會福利研究體系中可能存在的困難和不足,筆者提出重新整合社會排斥和社會融合的必要性。第一,整合社會融合的研究模式與中國政府提出的社會和諧目的相一致;第二,整合社會融合的研究模式凸顯社會資本在幫助農民工融入城市的重要作用,有利於減少社會因福利支出而增加的經濟負擔,容易為政府所接受;第三,整合社會融合的研究模式可以進一步促進福利主體間的合作,包括與政府的合作,市民社會之間的協作和融合等;第四,整合社會融合的研究模式有助於政策研究者有技巧和彈性地與政府溝通,有助於政策的落實與實現;最後,整合社會融合的研究模式有助於發展農民工在城市中的代言人,如社會工作者隊伍和 NGO 機構等。

    This article begins with historical review on the roles of social exclusion and social inclusion in social welfare policy research in European area. And then critical reflect on the difficulties of social-exclusion-focused research model which domains the Chinese social welfare policy area. Basing on the literature review, through discussing on the current difficulties and insufficiencies of peasant workers’ social welfare in China, the integrated model which should view social inclusion and social exclusion as one whole to be social welfare policy research model was proposed to meet the ultimate goal of social welfare policy. The importance of the integrated model was also discussed in the article as: First, integrating social inclusion perspective is consistent with the social harmony tenet which is highlighted by government; Second, integrating social inclusion perspective pays more attention on the functions of social capitals which may play an important role in facilitating peasant workers to adapt to urban cities, at the same time, social capitals may reduce the social welfare economic burden which can be easily accepted by government and facilitate the collaboration with government. Third, integrating social inclusion into social welfare policy research may facilitate the collaboration with government and reduce the tension between urban and rural. Forth, under the integrated model, social welfare policy researches may communicate with government flexibly and get more government support to make the policy realized; and finally, the agencies who can stand for the voices of peasant workers, such as social work team, NGO institutions can be developed rapidly.
    Original languageChinese (Traditional)
    Pages (from-to)31-42
    Number of pages12
    JournalHong Kong Journal of Social Work
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2009

    User-Defined Keywords

    • 社會福利政策
    • 農民工 社會排斥 社會融合
    • 研究取向
    • social welfare policy
    • peasant workers
    • social exclusion
    • social inclusion

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