
Translated title of the contribution: The regional interaction of Chinese church in the republican period - the case of the Chinese home missionary society

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articlepeer-review


    基督教作為一個傳播宗教 傳教活動是其擴展的重要手段。對民國的基督新教而言,中華國內佈道會(The Chinese Home Missionary Society,本文簡稱「佈道會」)便是當時牽動不同地域互動的佈道組織。它成立於1918年,並一直於國內的偏遠區域如雲南、黑龍江及內蒙古進行佈道。本文會從它的總部設置、參與人員、金錢支援、佈道活動的區域互動情況,指出其中所反映出的區域特性。我們從中華國內佈道會的例子中,看到民國時期華人教會如何糾合不同地域的資源,動員宣教。我們可以發現,在宣教的過程中,人才是其十分重要的因素。但有趣的是,人才的分布,又與地域的經濟及文化實力有關。
    The Chinese Home Missionary Society is an indigenized missionary body of the Chinese Protestant Church in the Republican period. It had been established in 1918 by several prominent Chinese Christian leaders. It sent missionaries to Yunnan, Heilongjian, and Inner Mongolia. This paper studies the evangelical works of the society through a lens of regional interaction. It examines how the regional factors affect its location of headquarters, deployment of personnel, and financial support. It finds that the quality and supply of human resources are vital to the ministry of the Society. But, the human resources and decisions of the leaders are interestingly related with the regional socio-economical circumstances of the churches that participated in the ministry.
    Translated title of the contributionThe regional interaction of Chinese church in the republican period - the case of the Chinese home missionary society
    Original languageChinese (Traditional)
    Pages (from-to)213-231
    Number of pages19
    Issue number39
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2013


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