同義詞在南北官話中地域分佈: 以清末域外漢語官話資料為例

Translated title of the contribution: The geographical distribution of Mandarin Synonyms in the North and South China: A case study of the colloquial Mandarin documents abroad in the late Qing Dynasty

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    清末域外漢語官話資料是很重要的研究資料。本文以清末域外官話教材中所記録的幾組常用同義詞: “捎—帶”、“丟—掉”、“扔—丢”、“知道—曉得”、“彻—泡”、“逛—遊”、“瞧—看”爲例,揭示它們在清代南北官話中的地域分佈特性。調査顯示這些同義詞的産生,不存在歷時替换現象,一直使用至今。它們在今天官話區的分佈略有變化,反映出北方官話在大官話區的滲透影響。

    This paper focuses on seven groups of synonyms recorded in the Mandarin materials abroad in the late Qing Dynasty which are "take", "lose", "throw", "know", "Infuse", "Stroll" and "look”. Based on the geographical distribution of their usage, the survey indicated that these synonyms have been used until presence without historical exchange. The resent slight changes in the distribution have reflected the high influence of the northern Mandarin to the main Mandarin Region.
    Translated title of the contributionThe geographical distribution of Mandarin Synonyms in the North and South China: A case study of the colloquial Mandarin documents abroad in the late Qing Dynasty
    Original languageChinese (Traditional)
    Title of host publication漢語史學報. 第十輯
    Editors 浙江大學漢語史硏究中心
    Number of pages9
    ISBN (Print)9787544431460
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2010

    User-Defined Keywords

    • 同義詞
    • 清代
    • 官話
    • 地域分佈
    • 方言
    • Synonymous
    • the Qing Dynasty
    • mandarin
    • the geographical distribution
    • dialect


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