
Translated title of the contribution: Investigating translation theory in the West: Thoughts on its development and its study


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    For translation studies to mature as a distinct discipline, continued efforts would be both meaningful and necessary in investigating the development of translation theory across cultural borders. For the Chinese translation scholars, the study of Western translation theory has been and will remain a subject of immense interest. Assuming a multi-dimensional perspective, this paper offers a discussion of the ways in which Western translation theory is best studied as well as the ways in which Western translation theory has developed both in the modern and postmodern era, and down through all previous centuries. The paper proposes that different approaches to translation, such as the Western, will not simply imply differences but, more importantly, could offer insights concerning more innovative methods of translation in a Chinese context in the 21st century 

    Translated title of the contributionInvestigating translation theory in the West: Thoughts on its development and its study
    Original languageChinese (Simplified)
    Pages (from-to)53-59
    Number of pages7
    Issue number2005年第1期, 总第155期
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2005

    User-Defined Keywords

    • 译论
    • 西方
    • 历史
    • 发展
    • 学科
    • Translation theory
    • West
    • history
    • development
    • discipline


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