你的名在全地何其美: 詩篇 8

Translated title of the contribution: How Majestic is Your Name in All the Earth: Psalm 8

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


Lau Chak Kwong Daniel, How Majestic is Your Name in All the Earth: Psalm 8 (你的名在全地何其美: 詩篇 8), Chinese calligraphy/ clerical-cursive script/ ink on paper/ an exceedingly long handscroll, 36cm x 1650cm (草隸/ 水墨紙本/ 手卷), 2021, Online exhibition: MaHA (https://www.milkandhoneyarts.com/web/ ), 2021
Translated title of the contributionHow Majestic is Your Name in All the Earth: Psalm 8
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Media of outputOther
SizeChinese calligraphy/ ink on paper/ handscroll, 36cm x 1650cm
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021

Scopus Subject Areas

  • General Arts and Humanities

User-Defined Keywords

  • Chinese calligraphy
  • Calligraphic Materiality
  • Calligraphic Multimodality
  • Modes of Expression in Chinese Calligraphy


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