代表属性: 发音人的选择和语料有效性

Translated title of the contribution: Parameters of representativeness: Subject selection and data integrity

梁源, 黄良喜

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articlepeer-review

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    属于实证研究的语言学研究,一般需要选择发音人作为研究对象的有效代表, 因此发音人必须符合研究所需的代表属性。通过设定外显研究对象主要特征的参数, 本文提出:(1)代表属性可最直接地通过参数来表述;(2)越满足代表属性参数的 研究对象就越能成为研究的有效代表。本文通过几个语言学研究示例展现了代表属 性在语言学研究中的根本性。尽管研究的问题、目的、甚至方法都不同,我们从中 可以看到,厘定代表属性直接影响研究所使用语料的有效性。

    As an empirical study, linguistic investigations rely heavily on the selection of suitable subject speakers as representatives of a language community, which in turn underline the necessity of determining representativeness. Through explicit description of the parameters that define a target population, this paper argues that (i) representativeness can be most straightforwardly captured using the same parametric description; and (ii) the degree of representativeness of the subject increases with the degree of satisfaction of the parameters. On this footing, this paper exemplifies the fundamental quality of the parameters of representativeness across different linguistic research topics, purposes and even methodologies. Evidently, the clarification on what counts as representative through the use of parametric description is a founding stone to ensuring reliability of language data in the establishment of any linguistic theorizing.

    Translated title of the contributionParameters of representativeness: Subject selection and data integrity
    Original languageChinese (Simplified)
    Pages (from-to)160-174
    Number of pages15
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 7 Jun 2016

    User-Defined Keywords

    • 代表属性
    • 参数
    • 发音人
    • 语料有效性
    • representativeness
    • subject speakers
    • parameter
    • language data reliability


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