
Translated title of the contribution: The Evolving Institutions on Judicial Torture during the Qing period in the light of the revisions of the Law of “Deliberately Imprisoning or Interrogating Innocent Persons"

    Research output: Chapter in book/report/conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    本文以《大清律例》之《刑律•断狱上》内载“故禁故勘平人”条为讨论中心,探讨清初以来此律所附条例的内容演变。明代原律规定下的刑讯已有不少流弊,但这些 大都在顺治及康熙两朝得到了针对性的改善。不过,自雍正、乾隆时代开始,由于人犯往往会机巧地利用官员于刑讯中的限制为审案带来不便,而理刑官员又多有钻营律例的缝隙,以未有明文禁用的新款刑具处置人犯。此等超越律例规范的“法外之刑”,令清政府须以更强力的措施规管刑讯,让承审官吏变得动辄得咎。由于官吏担心使用刑讯会带来罪责,大半的刑讯手段,特别是最酷烈的夹棍与拶指等方法,在光绪朝以前基本上已无人敢公开使用,甚至使晚清的刑部官员批评在正式司法程序中搁置了主要的刑讯手段,乃是“矫枉过正”的极端做法,反而妨碍了司法的运作。刑讯原来正逐步离开司法的舞台,实无待外力的影响与大规模的司法改革,彻底废除刑讯本来就只是时间的问题。
    Translated title of the contributionThe Evolving Institutions on Judicial Torture during the Qing period in the light of the revisions of the Law of “Deliberately Imprisoning or Interrogating Innocent Persons"
    Original languageChinese (Traditional)
    Title of host publication复旦大学法律评论 (第三辑)
    Number of pages27
    ISBN (Print)9787511893857
    Publication statusPublished - May 2016


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