École du parti et formation des élites dirigeantes en chine

Emilie TRAN*

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articlepeer-review

    4 Citations (Scopus)


    In a regime where the one Party-State rule still prevails, as is the case in the People's Republic of China, the polity and politics constitute - here more than anywhere else - the private ground of the country's ruling elite, i.e. the cadres of the Communist Party. This article attempts to grasp who the political elites in control of contemporary China are, by analyzing the modus operandi of the Shanghai Party School for Cadres. The study of an institution that takes part in the circulation of the elites and hence constitutes one of the privileged playing fields for the transmission and the exercise of power, allows, beyond the understanding of its own working, to shed light on the very nature and evolution of the regime. If the modernizing forces appear to work towards the professionalization of the cadres' craft by equating the Party School to an institute of public administration, they ultimately do so in order to better perpetuate the supremacy of the one-Party system.

    Original languageFrench
    Pages (from-to)123-144
    Number of pages22
    JournalCahiers Internationaux de Sociologie
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2007

    Scopus Subject Areas

    • General Social Sciences

    User-Defined Keywords

    • China
    • Chinese communist party
    • Modernization
    • Party school
    • Political elite
    • Power
    • Professionalization
    • Reform
    • Ruling cadre

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