Investigating the Role of Communities and NGOs in Supporting Sustainable Crisis Translation in Hong Kong

  • YU, Chuan (PI)
  • SHUTTLEWORTH, Mark (Collaborator)
  • Bartindale, Tom (Collaborator)

    Project: Research project

    Project Details


    Situated in HK, this project aims to facilitate crisis communication with the city’s Nepalese and Pakistani South Asian (SA) residents who have been underprivileged in society and under-researched in the scholarly literature. The project brings together two stakeholders, i.e. communities and NGOs, by introducing the practice of collaborative translation through a tailored training programme and developing a theoretically informed community of practice with technological support.

    The monitoring and evaluation of the interactions between the participants and between human translators and machines, and the interplay between the NGO staff and SA residents, will significantly contribute to our understanding of the process of collaborative translation, non-professional translation and translator training. The outcomes from this project also include a sophisticated research methodology that will be replicable in other studies of participant- and process-oriented translation studies research.
    Effective start/end date1/01/2431/12/25


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