Integrative Anslysis of Microbiome, Metabolome, PM2.5-exposure, and dietary pattern for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mice model

Project: Research project

Project Details


The prevalence of metabolic disorder, such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), has been increasing steadily for years. A significant increase in the incidence of NAFLD has been associated with the rapid elevation of fat and sugar per capita consumption. Fine particulate matter is regarded as an air pollutant of the main concern for human health, which has also been suggested as the leading environmental risk factor for increased diseases and death globally. Numerous epidemiological data and experimental studies have demonstrated that ambient PM2.5 levels are strongly associated with the incidence and prevalence of various non-communicable diseases including NAFLD. However, the mechanisms underlying the roles of PM2.5-exposure in the development of NAFLD have remained unclear. Also, we coexist with a vast number of microbes—our microbiota—that live in and on our bodies. Although much has been learned about the diversity and distribution of human-associated microbial communities, little is known about the biology of microbiota, how it interacts with the host, and how the host responds to its resident microbiota. Integrating microbiomics, metabolomics data, and other metadata will help us identify biological risk factors that predict NAFLD disease progression.
Effective start/end date1/06/2131/05/23


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