Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong - Jockey Club Walking Football

  • CHUNG, Pak-Kwong (PI)
  • HUANG, Wendy Y J (PI)
  • Wong, Ming Yu Claudia (PI)
  • Leung, Ka Man (CoI)

    Project: Research project

    Project Details


    A mixed-method longitudinal research study will be adopted in the proposed research project. Firstly, the quantitative longitudinal study will be used for physical fitness, walking football skills and psychological assessment of the participants. A proportion of participants who participated in the co-creation of sports ground will be selected to complete the sense of community survey. On qualitative study, focus groups interviews will be conducted to investigate participants’ perceived physical and psychological changes, as well as their satisfaction after participating in the training, as well as co-creating activities. Focus groups interviews with the newly trained coaches and referees will be conducted as well, in order to investigate and evaluate the service performance and quality, as well as the sustainability in helping youths or young adults’ unemployment.
    Effective start/end date1/09/211/07/23


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