Assessing the Effectiveness of AIoT-based Posture Recognition and Guidance System

  • Chun, Young Jin (PI)
  • KIM, Seungmo (CoPI)
  • Yeung, Wai Keung (CoPI)

    Project: Research project

    Project Details


    This project aims to develop a universal posture recognition and guidance system using Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed design based on quantitative and qualiative assessment. This project will develop a comprehensive posture guidance system that can seamlessly monitor the user's posture through daily activities or sports activities and provide guidance in real-time to improve the posture. Despite the prevalance of posture recognition system, majority of the conventional schemes can only track a single activity, whereas the proposed method aims to develop a universal posture recognition system that can track not only static, indore, daily activities, but also dynamic, outdoor, sports activities. The proposed system will be composed of a frontend mobile application, wearable IoT sensors, machine learning based gesture recognition algorithm and audio-based posture guidance.
    Effective start/end date1/04/2331/03/25


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