A Study of Distributed Service-aware Wireless Cellular Networks (DS-WCNs): From User Demand Modeling to Performance Optimization

Project: Research project

Project Details


In a nutshell, this project aims to provide high-effectiveness DS-WCNs, covering from the fundamental analysis of user demand modeling, to the joint assortment decision and placement optimization algorithms. Due to the distinct nature of foregoing problems, in the design of the corresponding solutions, different models include revised multinomial logit choice model, optimization model, reinforcement learning model, and neuro network model will be used. All the investigations are collectively used to reap the benefits of DS-WCNs. Besides, the designed schemes will be validated by extensive numerical simulations under both synthetic and real datasets. Moreover, the developed solutions in this project will be applicable in 6G era, which benefit not only cellular networks but also end users. From network operators’ perspective, the overall costs (e.g., transmission, setup, and execution cost) can be reduced. For users, they can enjoy high quality data-oriented services.
Effective start/end date2/01/22 → 2/07/24


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