Personal profile
Chinese Name
Ms YU Ka Ling is currently Assistant Professor of Practice at the School of Chinese Medicine, HKBU. She graduated from the Hong Kong Baptist University with a double degree of Bachelor of Chinese Medicine and Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Biomedical Science in 2006. Then she obtained a Master Degree of Chinese Medicine in Acupuncture in 2009. She worked at Yan Chai Hospital cum Hong Kong Baptist University Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre (Kwai Tsing) between 2007 to 2022. She was awarded the junior and senior scholarships from Hong Kong Hospital Authority (Chinese Medicine Division) in 2010 and 2014 respectively, to pursue oncology specialty training at Xi Yuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences and Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ms. Yu's research focuses on the application of Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture on the treatment of oncological diseases, and on preventing and alleviating adverse reactions throughout and after completion of conventional treatments.
畢業於香港浸會大學,於2006年獲得中醫學學士及生物醫學理學士(榮譽)雙學位,並於2009年取得香港浸會大學中醫碩士學位(針灸)。2007年至2022年期間於仁濟醫院暨香港浸會大學中醫教研中心(葵青)從事臨床、教學及科研工作,並分別於2010年及2014年獲得香港醫院管理局奬學金派往中國中醫科學院西苑醫院及廣東省中醫院進行中醫腫瘤專科培訓。 專業研究方向為中醫藥及針灸防治惡性腫瘤及其治療期間出現之毒副反應。