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Prof Zhang graduated from the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine in 1989 and obtained her Master degree and MD degree at Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine.  She has been engaged in clinical practice, teaching and research of internal and pediatrics of Chinese medicine in Guangdong Provincial Hospital of TCM for over 21 years.  She also studied at the Zhongshan Medical University and Changhai Hospital of Shanghai where she learned Western medicine and endoscopic interventional therapy & Endoscopic Ultrasonography respectively.  Before coming to Hong Kong, she was Chief Physician of Chinese Medicine, supervisor of postgraduate students of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, and nominated as the 3rd generation of succession for CM expertise academic experience in China.  Prof Zhang excels in treating internal and pediatrics diseases with Chinese medicine, especially in treating diseases of gastrointestinal diseases, such as chronic gastritis, digestive ulcer, reflux esophagitis, gastrointestinal tumor, liver, biliary and pancreatic diseases by Chinese medicine treatments and acupuncture.  She is also good at prevention and treating of tumors and miscellaneous diseases relating to spleen and stomach by CM.  Prof Zhang has chaired and participated in several research projects of bureau or department level in the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  She has issued more than 20 academic papers and journals.  She has edited or participated in editing books such as 《脾胃續論》, 消化科專病中醫臨床診治》and several CM publications.


香港浸會大學中醫藥學院臨床部中醫臨床教授。於1989年畢業於廣州中醫藥大學獲中醫學學士學位,畢業後在廣州中醫藥大學附屬廣東省中醫院從事中醫內兒科學的臨床、教學和科研工作21年。期間讀取廣州中醫藥大學中醫內科學碩士及臨床醫學博士學位,並先後在中山醫科大學全國消化班系統進修西醫學及上海長海醫院進修ERCP等內窺鏡介入治療技術和超聲內鏡技術。來港履新前為廣東省中醫院內科主任中醫師,廣州中醫藥大學中醫內科學(消化)碩士生導師,第三批全國老中醫藥專家學術經驗繼承人。  張教授從事中醫內兒科臨床及研究工作多年,專業研究範圍包括胃腸道常見疾病及肝膽胰疾病等消化道疾病。  曾主持國家中管局級課題1項、廳局級課題2項,參與省部級、廳局級課題5項;先後發表論文20多篇,核心期刊9篇以上;主編《脾胃續論》,副主編《消化科專病中醫臨床診治》,參與其他教材及專著的編寫多本。    


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