Personal profile

Chinese Name



Prof. Wang graduated from the Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and obtained her master and PhD degree. She has been engaged in clinical practice, teaching and research of Chinese medicine and integration between Chinese & Western medicine in the Xin Jiang Chinese Medicine Hospital and the Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has been the chief practitioner, supervisor of postgraduate students, and head of neuroendocrinology before coming to Hong Kong. She has been engaged in clinical practice for 26 years. She excels in diabetes and complication, gout, hyperlipidemia, disease of metabolism, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, hypertension, vertigo, headache, stroke, Bell's palsy, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, paralysis, insomnia, depression, chronic pain diseases. complications of menopause. She has issued more than 30 academic papers, published 4 books, and chaired and participated in 7 research projects. 


香港浸會大學中醫藥學院臨床部中醫臨床教授。1985年畢業於湖南中醫藥大學獲醫學學士學位,並先後於該校獲碩士、博士學位;先後在新疆醫科大學附屬中醫醫院、湖南中醫藥大學附一院從事中西醫臨床、教學、科研工作。2006年來港前為湖南中醫藥大學主任醫師、碩士研究生導師。  專業研究範圍:針藥結合防治心腦血管病、情緒病、內分泌失調、急慢性痛證等。  參加省級科研課題10項,其中主持課題7項,獲獎1項。在國家級雜誌上發表專業論文30餘篇。參編著作4部,參編規劃教材1部,報刊雜誌發表科普文章20篇。