Personal profile

Chinese Name



Prof Sun is currently the Director and Professor of Practice of the Clinical Division of School of Chinese Medicine , HKBU.  Prof Sun graduated from Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Having attained outstanding academic performance, Prof Sun stayed at the College after graduation and was engaged in clinical teaching and research of traumatology.  Prof Sun excels in treating common and frequent diseases of traumatology. He focuses his research on treating diseases of rheumatism, joints, cervical and lumbar vertebrae, osteoporosis and nicrosis by Chinese medicine and has published over 10 papers on the related subjects. Many of his scientific research projects have won prizes or recognition. He has also involved in compilation of seven books on traumatology such as Rheumatology of China (6 million Chinese characters). 


香港浸會大學中醫藥學院臨床部主任、中醫臨床教授。  1986年畢業於河南中醫學院獲醫學學士學位。來港履新前為河南中醫學院副教授,骨科教研室主任。  孫鋒從事骨傷科臨床、教學和科研工作近30年。專業研究範圍包括骨傷科常見病和多發病,目前重點研究風濕性骨關節病、骨壞死、骨盆錯位等病症。  曾發表學術論文二十餘篇,並有多項科研專案獲獎或通過鑒定,参编出版《中國風濕病學》等學術專著十部。