Activities per year
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“Meet-the-Authors 2024: Literary Traveller”(「2024年與作家會面——文學旅人」), topic: “Life and Writing: Memories of Hong Kong Comics, Public Housing and Campus”(《生命與寫作:港漫、公屋、校園的回憶》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
25 May 2024Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
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“K-History Talk of the CIE KOREAN Festival” (11 & 25—26 April 2024), topic: “Exploring the Cultural Exchange between China and Korea”(《在韓國看中國文化》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
11 Apr 2024Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
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“Chengming Round Table”(「誠明圓桌」), topic: “Cultural Exchanges in Ancient Asian Seas: The Interaction of Thoughts and Materials”(《古代亞洲海域的文化交流:思想物質的互動》)
FAN, W. C. (Moderator)
29 Jul 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“An Assembly Seminar: Sharing of a Writer”(「週會講座:作家分享」), topic: “Integration of Literature and History: A Sharing of My Writing Experiences(《文史共融:淺談我的寫作歷程》)”
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
2 Jun 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
A Seminar on Specific Topic(專題講座): "Dr. SUN Yat-sen and Korea"(《孫中山與韓國》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
24 Jun 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“An Assembly Workshop: A Seminar on Chinese Language and Literature”(「週會工作坊:中國語言及文學講座」), topic: “Memories of Our Lives in the Public Housing Estates(《我們都是這樣在屋邨長大的》)”
FAN, W. C. (Speaker), YEUNG, Y. F. (Speaker) & FAN, W. Y. (Speaker)
4 May 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
Interpretation of Animation Industry Development Opportunities”(《解讀動漫產業發展機遇》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
31 Jul 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Chengming Seminar on Humanities”(「誠明人文講座」), topic: “China’s Understanding and Imagination of Joseon during the Ming Dynasty”(《明代中國對朝鮮的認識與想像》)
FAN, W. C. (Moderator) & TAM, K. C. (Speaker)
15 Apr 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
Guest Host
FAN, W. C. (Others)
23 Apr 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar Series on Politics and Current Situation in the Early Republican China”(「民初政治與時局」講座系列): Lecture 1 (New: CDI020231110), topic: “The May Fourth Movement: An International Perspective”(《國際視野下的五四運動》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
5 May 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
"Seminar Series on Politics and Current Situation in the Early Republican China"(「民初政治與時局」講座系列): Lecture 4(New: CDI020231113), topic: "Warlords' Politics and Diplomacy in Republican China"(《民國時期的軍閥政治與對外關係》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
27 Jun 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar on Reading and Sharing”(「閱讀分享講座」), topic: “Culture of Hong Kong Comics”(《香港漫畫文化》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
9 Mar 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar Series on Social and Cultural Development of the Republic of China”(「中華民國社會及文化發展」講座系列): Lecture 1 (New: CDI020221331), topic: “A Glimpse of Chinese Society and Culture During the Republic of China: An Observation on the Contents of Comics”(《民國時期中國社會與文化一瞥——漫畫裡的眾生相》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
13 May 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar Series on Social and Cultural Development of the Republic of China”(「中華民國社會及文化發展」講座系列): Lecture 3 (New: CDI020221333), topic: “"Strengthening the Country and the Species": An Introduction to the Development of Sports and Physical Education in the Republic of China”(《「強國強種‧體育救國」:淺談民國時期的體育發展》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
10 Jun 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Chengming Round Table: The Circulation of Classical Chinese Literature in Japan and Korea”(「誠明圓桌:中國古典文學在日韓流轉」), topic: “The Images of Qu Yuan in Korean Ancient Literati Works”(《屈原東渡——韓國古代文人作品中的屈原意象》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
5 Nov 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Simple Room Seminar” (「陋室講堂」), Lecture 14, topic: “An Introduction to the Muyedobotongji: A Review of the Progress of Joseon’s Martial Arts after the War between China, Japan and Korea in the Late Sixteenth Century”(《少壯工夫老始成:從《武藝圖譜通志》成書看十六世紀中日韓朝鮮之戰後朝鮮的奮進》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker), TAM, K. C. (Speaker) & LAU, K. Y. (Speaker)
15 May 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
‘Hallyu’ (The Korean Wave): Bloom and Reflection
FAN, W. C. (Plenary/keynote speaker)
9 Dec 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
5 Nov 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Historical Seminars on Diverse Chinese History: Learning and Teaching Series”(「多元中國歷史科:學與教系列」), Lecture 12, topic: “China and Asia in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century: Policies, History, and Interrelationships”(《二十世紀下半葉的中國與亞洲:政策、史事與相互關係》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
23 Jul 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar Series on Social and Cultural Development of the Republic of China”(「中華民國社會及文化發展」講座系列): Lecture 5 (New: CDI020221335), topic: “A Brief Discussion on the Characteristics of "Warlord Politics" During the Republic of China: The Story of Yan Xishan”(《略論民國時期「軍閥政治」之特質——以山西閻錫山為例》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
8 Jul 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar on the Chinese Culture”(「中國文化講座」), topic: “In Search of Traditional Chinese Culture in Korea”(《在韓國尋找中國傳統文化》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
17 Dec 2021Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Sea and Maritime Affairs in Modern East Asia: Online Dialogue Series”(「近代東亞海洋與海事網上對談系列」), topic: “Naval Development in Modern East Asia”(《近代東亞海軍的發展與特點》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker), TAM, K. C. (Speaker) & TSANG, C. Y. (Speaker)
11 Dec 2021Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“A Dialogue on Jin Yong between Two Men”(「兩雄相遇話金庸」)
FAN, W. C. (Moderator)
25 Sept 2021Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar on the Chinese Culture”(「中國文化講座」), topic: “The Influence of Traditional Chinese Culture on Korea”(《中國文化對韓國的影響》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
18 Oct 2021Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar on the Chinese Culture”(「中國文化講座」), topic: “Traditional Chinese Sport and Culture: Cuju (Football)”(《中國古代體育文化——蹴鞠》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
5 Feb 2021Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Moments in Literature: Dialogue with Creators”(「字旅‧時光:與作者對話」), topic: “The Days in Estates”(《屋邨歲月》)
Fan, W. C. (Speaker), Yeung, Y. F. (Speaker) & Fan, W. Y. (Speaker)
9 Jan 2021Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“CPCE Research Seminar”, topic: “A Sharing on the Study of Korean History”(《韓國史研習經驗分享》)
Fan, W. C. (Speaker)
9 Dec 2020Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar on the Hong Kong Literature Festival”(「香港文學季講座」), topic: “A Meeting with Korean Literature”(《與朝鮮 / 韓國文學相遇》)
Fan, W. C. (Speaker), Chan, R. (Speaker) & Cheng, C. H. M. (Speaker)
10 Oct 2020Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Chengming Seminar”(「誠明講堂」), topic: “Sino-Korean Relations during the Yuan-Ming Transition: Diplomatic Issues in Tributary System and Border Conflicts”(《元明之際中韓朝貢問題與邊境衝突》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
4 Sept 2019Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Chengming Seminar”(「誠明講堂」), topic: “Ideological Transformation during the Goryeo-Joseon Transition”(《崇儒排佛:麗末鮮初思想轉換淺論》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
12 Mar 2019Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
Specific lecture invited by Institute for China Business, HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE), for the Training Programme on Creative Media (1), topic: “Comics and Animation Industry: A Brief History, Cultural Features and Future”.
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
6 Aug 2019Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Chengming Seminar”(「誠明講堂」), topic: “Joseon’s Plan of Northern Expedition during the Late Ming Period”(《明季朝鮮王朝「北伐論」淺探》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
18 Sept 2019Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Chengming Seminar”(「誠明講堂」), topic: “Some Observations about Intellectual Development during the Early Joseon Period”(《節義‧士林‧清談:朝鮮初年思想界之一瞥》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
26 Mar 2019Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Simple Room Seminar” (「陋室講堂」), topic: “The Great War between China, Japan and Korea in Late 16th Century: Academic Perspectives of Hong Kong Scholars”(《港談——十六世紀中日韓朝鮮之戰》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker), TAM, K. C. (Speaker) & WU, W. K. (Speaker)
9 Jun 2019Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar on the May Fourth Movement: The Young Scholars’ Perspectives”(「青年論五四」), topic: “Chen Duxiu and the May Fourth Movement”(《陳獨秀與「五四」》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
12 Oct 2019Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar on the Centennial of the May Fourth Movement”(「五四運動百週年紀念講座」), topic: “Relationship between the March 1st Movement and the May Fourth Movement: with Special Attention to the Records in Eastern Miscellany”(《三一運動與五四運動的關聯——以《東方雜誌》的記載為例》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
4 May 2019Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
A Public Lecture of “Lecture Series of Interdisciplinary China Studies”(中國研究「通‧識」講座系列), topic: “Golden Age: Some Observations on the Popular Culture in Hong Kong during the 1980s”(《黃金歲月:關於1980年代香港普及文化的若干觀察》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
28 Apr 2018Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Post-examination Seminar for S4 and S5 Students”, topic: “Hong Kong Comics and Social Culture: From Popular Culture to Local Consciousness”(《香港漫畫與社會文化——從普及文化面貌到本土意識》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
5 Jul 2017Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Saturday Public Lecture”, topic: “Will Hong Kong Comics Never Die?”(《港漫不死?》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
20 May 2017Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar and Gallery Visit on ‘The Legend of Hong Kong Toys’ Exhibition (New: CDI020170798)”, topic: “Understanding the Popular Culture of Hong Kong after the Second World War through Toys”(《從玩具看二戰後香港的普及文化》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
7 Mar 2017Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Saturday Public Lecture”, topic: “Beyond the Reading of Hong Kong Comics: The Relations between Hong Kong Politics, Society, Culture and Comics”(《「越」讀港漫:香港政治、社會及文化生態下的漫畫形相》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker) & CHU, W. L. J. (Speaker)
30 Sept 2017Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Saturday Seminar”, topic: “The Benevolent Paradise”: An Analysis of the “Benevolent Ideology of Manchukuo”(《「王道樂土」——滿洲國「王道思想」淺論》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
10 Dec 2016Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Programme Information and Career Seminar”(升學及就業專題講座), topic: “Hong Kong Comics: Local Consciousness and Identity”(《從香港漫畫看本土意識與身份認同》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
30 Apr 2015Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Enriching Knowledge Lecture Series on History of Hong Kong: Lecture 5 (New: CDI020141311)”, topic: “Hong Kong Comics and Popular Culture in Hong Kong”(《「港漫」與香港普及文化》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
17 Jan 2015Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Public Lecture”, topic: “Eastern Miscellany and the Late Qing Reforms”(《從《東方雜誌》看晚清改革》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
4 Aug 2012Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“NSS Enriching Knowledge Lecture Series: International Cooperation and Regional Politics Since 1945 (5: CDI020121549)”, topic: “The Evolution of ASEAN: The Trend towards Regional Cooperation”(《東南亞國家聯盟的演變:邁向地區性合作》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
15 Dec 2012Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“NSS Enriching Knowledge for the History Curriculum Series: Compulsory Part: Theme A & Theme B (CDI020081441)”, topic: “Modernization and Cultural Changes in East Asian Countries: With Reference to Sino-Korean Cultural Interactions in the Twentieth Century”(《從二十世紀中韓文化關係看東亞國家的現代發展與文化蛻變》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
21 Jul 2009Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“New History Seminar, 2009-2010”, topic: “Ancient East Asian Sport Activities and Cultural Communication”(《古代東亞體育活動與文化交流》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
12 Sept 2009Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Public Lecture”, topic: “Eastern Miscellany and the Modern Chinese Culture”(《從《東方雜誌》看近代中國文化》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
30 May 2009Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“NSS Enriching Knowledge for the History Curriculum: Compulsory Part Series (1) - 20th Century Asia (CDI020071089)”, topic: “The Modernization and Transformation of Southeast Asia”(《東南亞的現代化與蛻變》)
FAN, W. C. (Speaker)
26 Mar 2008Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units