Activities per year
- 1 - 50 out of 94 results
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“Meet-the-Authors 2024: Literary Traveller”(「2024年與作家會面——文學旅人」), topic: “Life and Writing: Memories of Hong Kong Comics, Public Housing and Campus”(《生命與寫作:港漫、公屋、校園的回憶》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
25 May 2024Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
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“K-History Talk of the CIE KOREAN Festival” (11 & 25—26 April 2024), topic: “Exploring the Cultural Exchange between China and Korea”(《在韓國看中國文化》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
11 Apr 2024Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
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Interpretation of Animation Industry Development Opportunities”(《解讀動漫產業發展機遇》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
31 Jul 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Chengming Round Table”(「誠明圓桌」), topic: “Cultural Exchanges in Ancient Asian Seas: The Interaction of Thoughts and Materials”(《古代亞洲海域的文化交流:思想物質的互動》)
Wing Chung FAN (Moderator)
29 Jul 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“An Assembly Workshop: A Seminar on Chinese Language and Literature”(「週會工作坊:中國語言及文學講座」), topic: “Memories of Our Lives in the Public Housing Estates(《我們都是這樣在屋邨長大的》)”
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker), Ying Fai YEUNG (Speaker) & Wing Yee FAN (Speaker)
4 May 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar on Reading and Sharing”(「閱讀分享講座」), topic: “Culture of Hong Kong Comics”(《香港漫畫文化》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
9 Mar 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
好書會第五十三場活動 —— 提燈者言:廣華醫院護理教育歷史
Man Kong WONG (Speaker), Yuen Han LAW (Speaker) & Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
26 Oct 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by HKBU
“An Assembly Seminar: Sharing of a Writer”(「週會講座:作家分享」), topic: “Integration of Literature and History: A Sharing of My Writing Experiences(《文史共融:淺談我的寫作歷程》)”
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
2 Jun 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
A Seminar on Specific Topic(專題講座): "Dr. SUN Yat-sen and Korea"(《孫中山與韓國》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
24 Jun 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
Guest Host
Wing Chung FAN (Others)
23 Apr 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Chengming Seminar on Humanities”(「誠明人文講座」), topic: “China’s Understanding and Imagination of Joseon during the Ming Dynasty”(《明代中國對朝鮮的認識與想像》)
Wing Chung FAN (Moderator) & Ka Chai TAM (Speaker)
15 Apr 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
Provision of Services for Conducting Professional Development Programmes and Writing Chinese History Short Articles on “Diplomatic Setbacks of the Beiyang Government and the May Fourth Movement”
Wing Chung FAN (Consultant)
4 Apr 2023 → 30 Sept 2023Activity: Consultancy
“Seminar Series on Politics and Current Situation in the Early Republican China”(「民初政治與時局」講座系列): Lecture 1 (New: CDI020231110), topic: “The May Fourth Movement: An International Perspective”(《國際視野下的五四運動》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
5 May 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
"Seminar Series on Politics and Current Situation in the Early Republican China"(「民初政治與時局」講座系列): Lecture 4(New: CDI020231113), topic: "Warlords' Politics and Diplomacy in Republican China"(《民國時期的軍閥政治與對外關係》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
27 Jun 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
Representative of Department of History for the Academic Programme “Bachelor of Arts, Science and Technology (Hons)”
Wing Chung FAN (Participant)
2022 → …Activity: Other activity › Other (not for CDCF T61)
“Simple Room Seminar” (「陋室講堂」), Lecture 14, topic: “An Introduction to the Muyedobotongji: A Review of the Progress of Joseon’s Martial Arts after the War between China, Japan and Korea in the Late Sixteenth Century”(《少壯工夫老始成:從《武藝圖譜通志》成書看十六世紀中日韓朝鮮之戰後朝鮮的奮進》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker), Ka Chai TAM (Speaker) & Kai Yiu LAU (Speaker)
15 May 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar Series on Social and Cultural Development of the Republic of China”(「中華民國社會及文化發展」講座系列): Lecture 3 (New: CDI020221333), topic: “"Strengthening the Country and the Species": An Introduction to the Development of Sports and Physical Education in the Republic of China”(《「強國強種‧體育救國」:淺談民國時期的體育發展》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
10 Jun 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
Representative of Department of History in the Organizing Committee for “Summer University: Future Social Scientists 2023”
Wing Chung FAN (Participant)
2022 → 2023Activity: Other activity › Other (not for CDCF T61)
“Seminar Series on Social and Cultural Development of the Republic of China”(「中華民國社會及文化發展」講座系列): Lecture 1 (New: CDI020221331), topic: “A Glimpse of Chinese Society and Culture During the Republic of China: An Observation on the Contents of Comics”(《民國時期中國社會與文化一瞥——漫畫裡的眾生相》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
13 May 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Historical Seminars on Diverse Chinese History: Learning and Teaching Series”(「多元中國歷史科:學與教系列」), Lecture 12, topic: “China and Asia in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century: Policies, History, and Interrelationships”(《二十世紀下半葉的中國與亞洲:政策、史事與相互關係》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
23 Jul 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
‘Hallyu’ (The Korean Wave): Bloom and Reflection
Wing Chung FAN (Plenary/keynote speaker)
9 Dec 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
5 Nov 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar Series on Social and Cultural Development of the Republic of China”(「中華民國社會及文化發展」講座系列): Lecture 5 (New: CDI020221335), topic: “A Brief Discussion on the Characteristics of "Warlord Politics" During the Republic of China: The Story of Yan Xishan”(《略論民國時期「軍閥政治」之特質——以山西閻錫山為例》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
8 Jul 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Chengming Round Table: The Circulation of Classical Chinese Literature in Japan and Korea”(「誠明圓桌:中國古典文學在日韓流轉」), topic: “The Images of Qu Yuan in Korean Ancient Literati Works”(《屈原東渡——韓國古代文人作品中的屈原意象》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
5 Nov 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar on the Chinese Culture”(「中國文化講座」), topic: “The Influence of Traditional Chinese Culture on Korea”(《中國文化對韓國的影響》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
18 Oct 2021Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar on the Chinese Culture”(「中國文化講座」), topic: “In Search of Traditional Chinese Culture in Korea”(《在韓國尋找中國傳統文化》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
17 Dec 2021Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar on the Chinese Culture”(「中國文化講座」), topic: “Traditional Chinese Sport and Culture: Cuju (Football)”(《中國古代體育文化——蹴鞠》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
5 Feb 2021Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“A Dialogue on Jin Yong between Two Men”(「兩雄相遇話金庸」)
Wing Chung FAN (Moderator)
25 Sept 2021Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Sea and Maritime Affairs in Modern East Asia: Online Dialogue Series”(「近代東亞海洋與海事網上對談系列」), topic: “Naval Development in Modern East Asia”(《近代東亞海軍的發展與特點》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker), Ka Chai TAM (Speaker) & Cheuk Yin TSANG (Speaker)
11 Dec 2021Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
Nursing in the Kwong Wah Hospital and the Everyday Life History in Hong Kong: An Oral History
Man Kong WONG (Consultant), Yuen Han LAW (Consultant) & Wing Chung FAN (Consultant)
1 Jun 2021 → 31 Aug 2022Activity: Consultancy
“Moments in Literature: Dialogue with Creators”(「字旅‧時光:與作者對話」), topic: “The Days in Estates”(《屋邨歲月》)
Wing Chung Fan (Speaker), Ying Fai Yeung (Speaker) & Wing Yee Fan (Speaker)
9 Jan 2021Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“CPCE Research Seminar”, topic: “A Sharing on the Study of Korean History”(《韓國史研習經驗分享》)
Wing Chung Fan (Speaker)
9 Dec 2020Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar on the Hong Kong Literature Festival”(「香港文學季講座」), topic: “A Meeting with Korean Literature”(《與朝鮮 / 韓國文學相遇》)
Wing Chung Fan (Speaker), Rubio Chan (Speaker) & Ching Hang Matthew Cheng (Speaker)
10 Oct 2020Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
Teaching Staff (FT/PT) Supervisor
Wing Chung FAN (Participant)
2020 → …Activity: Other activity › Other (not for CDCF T61)
Career Advisor
Wing Chung FAN (Participant)
2020 → …Activity: Other activity › Other (not for CDCF T61)
Academic Advisor
Yuen Han LAW (Consultant), Wing Chung FAN (Consultant) & Ka Chai TAM (Consultant)
3 Nov 2020 → 26 Feb 2021Activity: Consultancy
Member of Planning Committee on the Establishment of History Alumni Association
Wing Chung FAN (Participant)
2020 → …Activity: Other activity › Other (not for CDCF T61)
BA (Hons) in History + BEd (Hons) in PSHE Programme Advisor
Wing Chung FAN (Participant)
2020 → …Activity: Other activity › Other (not for CDCF T61)
Member of Student Emergency Support Team
Wing Chung FAN (Participant)
2020 → …Activity: Other activity › Other (not for CDCF T61)
Elected Potential Member for the Committee on Staff Grievances
Wing Chung FAN (Participant)
2019 → 2022Activity: Other activity › Other (not for CDCF T61)
“Seminar on the May Fourth Movement: The Young Scholars’ Perspectives”(「青年論五四」), topic: “Chen Duxiu and the May Fourth Movement”(《陳獨秀與「五四」》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
12 Oct 2019Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Chengming Seminar”(「誠明講堂」), topic: “Some Observations about Intellectual Development during the Early Joseon Period”(《節義‧士林‧清談:朝鮮初年思想界之一瞥》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
26 Mar 2019Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Simple Room Seminar” (「陋室講堂」), topic: “The Great War between China, Japan and Korea in Late 16th Century: Academic Perspectives of Hong Kong Scholars”(《港談——十六世紀中日韓朝鮮之戰》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker), Ka Chai TAM (Speaker) & Wai Kuen WU (Speaker)
9 Jun 2019Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
Specific lecture invited by Institute for China Business, HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE), for the Training Programme on Creative Media (1), topic: “Comics and Animation Industry: A Brief History, Cultural Features and Future”.
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
6 Aug 2019Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Seminar on the Centennial of the May Fourth Movement”(「五四運動百週年紀念講座」), topic: “Relationship between the March 1st Movement and the May Fourth Movement: with Special Attention to the Records in Eastern Miscellany”(《三一運動與五四運動的關聯——以《東方雜誌》的記載為例》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
4 May 2019Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Chengming Seminar”(「誠明講堂」), topic: “Joseon’s Plan of Northern Expedition during the Late Ming Period”(《明季朝鮮王朝「北伐論」淺探》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
18 Sept 2019Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Chengming Seminar”(「誠明講堂」), topic: “Sino-Korean Relations during the Yuan-Ming Transition: Diplomatic Issues in Tributary System and Border Conflicts”(《元明之際中韓朝貢問題與邊境衝突》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
4 Sept 2019Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
“Chengming Seminar”(「誠明講堂」), topic: “Ideological Transformation during the Goryeo-Joseon Transition”(《崇儒排佛:麗末鮮初思想轉換淺論》)
Wing Chung FAN (Speaker)
12 Mar 2019Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
Consultant of the project of “想。創—中國歷史學與教資源套”
Yuen Han LAW (Consultant), Wing Chung FAN (Consultant) & Ka Chai TAM (Consultant)
Jul 2018 → Jan 2019Activity: Consultancy