Personal profile

Chinese Name



Prof Wang Yurong is currently Professor of Practice at the School of Chinese Medicine, HKBU.  Prof Wang graduated from the Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has been the associate professor, associate head of practitioner, supervisor of postgraduate students, and associate head of research before coming to Hong Kong. She has been engaged in clinical practice, teaching and research of Chinese medicine and integration between Chinese & Western medicine in gynaecology for over 17 years.  Prof Wang is an expert in the treatment of sterility, menstrual irregularity, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrheal, complication of menopause, miscarriage of sign, habitual miscarriage, and pelvic infection.  She has issued 20 academic papers, involved in compilation of 6 books on gynaecology such as 《傅山女科臨證應用》, and chaired and participated 8 research projects at State and provincial level. 


香港浸會大學中醫藥學院臨床部中醫臨床教授。1993年畢業於山西中醫藥大學獲中醫學士學位,1997年獲浙江中醫藥大學碩士學位,2007年獲南京中醫藥大學博士學位。曾任山西中醫藥大學及附屬醫院婦產科副教授、副主任醫師及碩士研究生導師,並任婦科教研室副主任。2010年2月加入香港浸會大學中醫藥學院臨床部。兼任世界中醫藥聯合會生殖醫學專業委員會常務理事、腫瘤專業委員會常務理事和中華中醫藥學會婦科分會委員。  王教授從事中醫、中西醫結合婦產科臨床、教學和科研工作20餘年。專業研究範圍包括婦產科常見病、多發病和疑難病,重點研究方向為不孕症、月經失調、多囊卵巢綜合症、痛經和子宮肌瘤等。  王教授先後主編、參編教材和論著12部,發表學術論文20余篇,主持、參與國家級和省部級科研課題8項。