Pui PONG, Dr

Personal profile

Chinese Name



Dr. Pong graduated from Wuhan Professional Medical College (now renamed Jiang Han University) in 1983 with a Bachelor Degree of Chinese Medicine. In 2002, he graduated from The University of Hong Kong with a Master Degree of Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture). In 2010, he obtained his PhD degree of Integrated Medicine of Chinese and Western Medicine from Southern Medical University. Before coming to Hong Kong, he was the acupuncture practitioner in Wuhan No.1 Hospital. From 2005 to 2020, he has acted as Senior Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Deputy Centre-In-Charge in Nethersole Chinese Medicine Service cum the Chinese University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinical Training and Research Centre. Beginning in September 2020, he was employed as the Senior Lecturer in the Clinical Division of the School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University.     He excels in combining of acupuncture and Chinese herb therapy in treating  geriatric diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, geriatric cardiac disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, stroke, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, constipation. 


1983年畢業於武漢醫師進修學院 (現為江漢大學)獲中醫學士學位,2002年獲香港大學中醫學(針灸)碩士學位,2010年獲廣州南方醫科大學中西醫結合博士。來港前為武漢市第一醫院中醫針灸科醫師。2005年7月至2020年8月8日任職那打素中醫服務暨香港中文大學臨床教研中心高級中醫師,副中心主管。2020年9月受聘於香港浸會大學中醫學院臨床部高級講師。     專業研究範圍為針藥並用治療各種老年病:腦退化性疾病(認知障礙症,帕金森氏病),老年性心臟病(心悸,胸痺);老年慢性咳喘,高血壓,糖尿病,中風病,骨質疏鬆,骨退化性關節炎,前列腺增生,便秘等老年常見病。