Activities per year
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“The Narrative of Hay Ling Chau Leprosarium”《關於喜靈洲麻瘋病院的論述》
WONG, M. K. (Speaker)
14 Sept 2024Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
WONG, M. K. (Speaker)
25 Nov 2023Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
WONG, M. K. (Speaker)
12 Nov 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
Online Talk - Extreme Weakness: Beriberi and the Politics of Public Health in Pre-WWII Hong Kong
WONG, M. K. (Speaker)
12 May 2022Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units
Christian Contributions to Medicine in Hong Kong during WWII
WONG, M. K. (Speaker)
4 Nov 2021Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etc › Event organized by non-HKBU units