Personal profile
Chinese Name
Prof Liu Xin has been engaging in Chinese and Western integrative medication of ophthalmology in clinical, education and research for over 32 years. Before coming to Hong Kong, he was the associate professor of CM ophthalmology, associate chief practitioner, TCM tutor, associate director of CM ophthalmology Teaching and Research Section in Shanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and member of Commission of Ophthalmology of China Association of Chinese medicine. He obtained a master degree in Chinese medicine and is currently professor of practice in the School of Chinese Medicine. Prof Liu is expert in treating ophthalmocace, external eye diseases and other miscellanceous diseases, especially retinitis pigmentosa, optic neuropathy, retinal artery occlusion, retinal vein occlusion and more. He also excels in healing diseases of cornea and conjunctiva, dry eye syndrome and asthenopia by applying "syndrome differentiation" with prominent efficacy. Prof Liu has participated in 2 national and provincial research projects, and has received the "Utility Model Patent". He has published over 10 academic papers, edited 7 publications and "The Twelfth Five-Year Plan" teaching materials for state Chinese Medicine institutions.
香港浸會大學中醫藥學院臨床部中醫臨床教授。1990年畢業於山西中醫學院並取得學士學位;另於天津中醫藥大學獲醫學碩士學位。來港履新前為山西中醫學院眼科副教授、副主任醫師及傳統中醫導師班導師,並任中醫眼科教研室副主任,兼任世界中醫藥學會聯合會眼科專業委員會理事、中華中醫藥學會眼科分會委員。 劉鑫從事中醫、中西醫結合眼科臨床、教學以及科研工作逾三十二年。專業研究範圍:眼底病、外眼病等,重點研究方向視網膜色素變性、視神經病變、色素膜炎(uveitis)、玻璃體積血、黃斑變性及視網膜動靜脈阻塞等眼底病。 劉鑫曾參與國家級及省級的醫學研究課題二項,獲國家實用新型專利一項。先後發表學術論文十餘篇,主編及參編《五官科疾病中西醫診療技術》、全國高等中醫藥院校實習指導叢書《眼耳鼻喉科》等著作七部,並為全國中醫藥行業高等教育“十二五”規劃教材《中醫眼科學》、《中西醫結合眼科學》編委。