Zhixin HUANG

Zhixin HUANG, Mr

Personal profile

Chinese Name



Mr HUANG is currently the Associate Professor of Practice of the School of Chinese Medicine, the Hong Kong Baptist University.  In 1985, he graduated from the Guangzhou College of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a Bachelor Degree of Traditional Chinese Medicine. From 1985 to 2008, he worked for the Piwei Institute of the Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Internal Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of the Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 2006, he received a Master Degree of Clinical Integrated Medicine of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine from the aforesaid university.  He was promoted to the Chief physician of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the aforesaid university in 2003.   From May 2009 to June 2018, Mr Huang was a registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner of the British Colombia, Canada.  He practised Traditional Chinese Medicine at Tung Fong Hung Foods Company, B.C. Limited and G & R Ginseng Trading Limited. During the time, he conducted clinical practice and taught clinical courses of the Traditional Chinese Medicine at PCU College of Holistic Medicine.   Mr Huang's professional research covers the foundation and clinical research of syndromes of Pi-wei deficiency and excess and focuses on diagnosis and therapy of digestive tract diseases.  He has years of professional experience in treatment based on syndromes differentiation for peptic ulcers, functional dyspepsia (FD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and common geriatric diseases.   During his years of service in the Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mr Huang participated in numerous scientific research projects that were assigned by the national government, the provincial government and the university. Three of the project findings received provincial awards and university awards.  Also, Mr Huang has issued a few dozens of academic papers, complied and co-compiled 4 academic monographs.    


香港浸會大學中醫藥學院中醫臨床副教授。 1985年本科學士畢業於廣州中醫藥學院中醫系,1985至2008年任職於廣州中醫藥大學脾胃研究所及廣州中醫藥大學第一附屬醫院內科,2006年取得廣州中醫藥大學中西醫結合臨床醫學碩士學位,2003年晉升為廣州中醫藥大學主任中醫師。  2009年5月至2018年6月為加拿大卑詩省註冊中醫師,分別在東方紅藥業有限公司和養生堂參茸燕窩行從事中醫臨床工作,其間亦在PCU中醫學院從事中醫教學及臨床工作,2018年7月開始,受聘於香港浸會大學中醫藥學院臨床部。   專業研究範圍為脾胃虛實證的基礎及臨床研究,重點在消化道疾病的診治,如潰瘍病、功能性消化不良、腸易激綜合症及常見的老年性疾病。   在廣州中醫藥大學工作期間,曾參加多項國家級、省部級、大學級的科研課題研究,獲獎三項,參與主編或參加編寫四部專著,署名發表科研論文數十篇。