Personal profile

Chinese Name



Prof Huang graduated from Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1984 and obtained his Master degree at China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in 1987. From 1987 to 1997, he worked in the Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of TCM. From 1997 to 2000, he worked in Beijing Institute of Acupuncture as an assistant professor. He was promoted as professor in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, and was awarded the title of the second batch of Chinese medicine experts and instructors in Chaoyang District, Beijing. He has worked in Guoyitang Clinic Division of TCM, the third Hospital of Beijing University of TCM, Z'an TCM, South District of GAM Hospital, and Beijing Hongyitang Hospital of TCM for many years. He has been engaged in teaching, clinical practice and research in Chinese Medicine for 30 years. He advocates Zhang Zhongjing's and Huang Yuanyu's Theory and specialized in properties theory and clinical use of Chinese Medicine Herbs. Mr Huang persistently explore treating rule of common diseases and frequently-occurred diseases. He is skilled in not only classical formulas, but also popular ones, using the theory of differentiation of both diseases and symptoms. His researches basically focus on treating tumor and internal miscellaneous diseases.  Prof Huang has attended 3 national topics, 5 provincial topics and published 26 papers and 8 publications. 


香港浸會大學中醫藥學院臨床部中醫臨床教授。 1984年畢業於江西中醫藥大學獲醫學學士學位,1987年獲得中國中醫科學院醫學碩士學位。1987至1997年於中国中醫研究院中藥研究所,1997年至2000年於北京針灸骨傷學院基礎部中藥教研室工作。2011年晉升為北京中醫藥大學教授,2013年榮獲北京市朝陽區第二批中醫藥專家指導老師稱號,在國醫堂、北中醫三附院、正安醫館、廣安門醫院南區以及弘醫堂出診多年。來港履新前為北京中醫藥大學基礎醫學院中醫方藥系教授。矢志岐黃30年,長期致力於中醫藥教學、臨床與科研,崇尚仲景學說,私淑元御理論,主張辨證與辨病論治相結合,不僅積極探索腫瘤及內科疑難雜症的診療規律,而且對臨床一些常見病、多發病也有較深的治療心得。臨證既推崇經方,又不薄時方,重視調理氣機與扶助陽氣,用藥不拘一格。專業研究範圍為腫瘤及內科疑難雜症。曾參加國家級課題3項、省部級課題5項,發表學術論文26篇,出版論著8部。