Personal profile
Chinese Name
Dr Fu Yong graduated from Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2005 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine. In 2009, he graduated from Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a Master’s Degree. In 2015,he graduated from Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a PHD. Before coming to Hong Kong, he worked as an Associate Professor and Chinese Medicine Practitioner of Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr Fu undertook clinical outpatient service, teaching and other work for ten years. In March 2022, he was employed as the Assistant Professor of Practice in the Clinical Divison of School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University. The scope of professional research: massage, acupuncture ,and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the treatment of neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain and other diseases. He has 4 research projects and 15 published papers.
2005年畢業於山東中醫藥大學中醫學學士學位,2009年畢業於福建中醫藥大學中醫骨傷科學碩士學位,2015年畢業於福建中醫藥大學中醫骨傷科學博士學位。來港前任職福建中醫藥大學,副教授,主治中醫師,承擔臨床門診,教學授課等工作十年。2022年3月受聘於香港浸會大學中醫藥學院臨床部中醫臨床部助理教授。 專業研究範圍:推拿手法、針灸治療頸肩腰腿痛等疾病。 研究課題4項,發表論文15篇。