Student theses
- 1 - 50 out of 171 results
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3D Mask Face Presentation Attack Detection with Remote Photoplethysmography
Author: LIU, S., 27 Sept 2021Supervisor: YUEN, P. C. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A computational study on vaccination decision making for infectious disease control
Author: Xia, S., 2013Supervisor: LIU, J. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A concurrent negotiation mechanism for grid resource co-allocation
Author: Shi, B., 2008Supervisor: Sim, K. M. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Adaptive search in consumer-generated content environment: an information foraging perspective
Author: Liu, F., 1 Sept 2016Supervisor: CHOI, K. K. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A dual channel location estimation system for mobile computing
Author: Chan, K. C., 2003Supervisor: NG, J. K. Y. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Advanced Computational Methods to Decipher Microbial Dark Matter Using Metagenomic Sequencing
Author: ZHANG, Z., 6 May 2024Supervisor: ZHANG, L. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Advances in categorical data clustering
Author: Zhang, Y., 29 Aug 2019Supervisor: CHEUNG, Y. M. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Advances in imbalanced data learning
Author: Lu, Y., 29 Aug 2019Supervisor: CHEUNG, Y. M. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Advances in Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
Author: LI, M., 26 Sept 2022Supervisor: CHEUNG, Y. M. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Advances in Query Intention Construction and Learning in Image Retrieval
Author: CHAN, S. W., 21 Feb 2022Supervisor: CHEUNG, Y. M. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Advances in Wifi Fingerprinting Positioning System: Anchor Optimization, Fingerprint Processing and Theoretic Error Bound Analysis
Author: PU, Q., 21 Feb 2022Supervisor: NG, J. K. Y. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A hybrid approach for mobile location estimation in cellular radio networks
Author: Chu, M. K., 2006Supervisor: NG, J. K. Y. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A matrix free method for unconstrained optimization problems
Author: Xie, X., 2011Supervisor: TAM, H. W. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A method of episode identification and association in human-computer interaction with applications to personalized interface agents
Author: Hui, K. K., 2000Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A model-based approach for distributed data mining
Author: Zhang, X., 2007Supervisor: CHEUNG, K. W. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A multiple-precision integer arithmetic library for GPUs and its applications
Author: Zhao, K., 2011Supervisor: CHU, X. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Analysis of internet image search performance
Author: Wang, X., 2011Supervisor: LEUNG, C. H. C. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Analyzing human motion by sparse methods with applications to computer animation
Author: Lai, Y., 2013Supervisor: YUEN, P. C. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A new statistical stroke recovery method and measurement for signature verification
Author: Lau, K. K. G., 2005Supervisor: Tang, Y. Y. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Answering why-not questions on spatial keyword top-k queries
Author: Chen, L., 13 Dec 2016Supervisor: XU, J. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A Redundancy-Aware Length Control Framework for Extractive Summarization
Author: LI, S., 27 Sept 2021Supervisor: LIU, J. (Supervisor) & Su, W. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Augmenting personalized recommender systems based on user personality
Author: Wu, W., 24 Aug 2018Supervisor: CHEN, L. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Authenticated query processing in the cloud
Author: Xu, C., 19 Feb 2019Supervisor: XU, J. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Automated Machine Learning and Its Applications
Author: HE, X., 24 Aug 2023Supervisor: CHU, X. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Automatic extraction of behavioral patterns for elderly mobility and daily routine analysis
Author: Li, C., 8 Jun 2018Supervisor: CHEUNG, K. W. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Automatic semantic image annotation and retrieval
Author: Wong, C. F., 2010Supervisor: LEUNG, C. H. C. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Autonomy oriented computing (AOC) for web intelligence (WI): a distributed resource optimization perspective
Author: Jin, X., 2005Supervisor: LIU, J. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A WLAN location estimation system using center of gravity as an algorithm selector
Author: Cheng, Q. J., 2013Supervisor: NG, J. K. Y. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Biometric system security and privacy: data reconstruction and template protection
Author: Mai, G., 31 Aug 2018Supervisor: YUEN, P. C. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Broadcast algorithms and caching strategies for mobile transaction processing
Author: Hui, C. Y., 2007Supervisor: NG, J. K. Y. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Camera calibration and shape recovery from videos of two mirrors
Author: Chen, Q., 5 Jun 2015Supervisor: YUEN, P. C. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Camera Calibration from Conics
Author: LIU, Y., 25 Sept 2023Supervisor: Zhang, H. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Chinese character synthesis: towards universal Chinese information exchange
Author: Yiu, L. K. C., 2003Supervisor: WONG, W. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Clustering of categorical and numerical data without knowing cluster number
Author: Jia, H., 2013Supervisor: CHEUNG, Y. M. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Cohesive Subgraph Computation over Large-Scale Directed Graphs
Author: LIAO, X., 23 Sept 2024Supervisor: XU, J. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Collaborative On-Chain and Off-Chain Data Processing Techniques for Blockchain Systems
Author: ZHANG, C., 25 Sept 2023Supervisor: XU, J. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Commentary-based social media clustering with concept and social network discovery
Author: Leung, K. W., 2011Supervisor: Li, C. H. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Communication optimizations for distributed deep learning
Author: Shi, S., 12 Aug 2020Supervisor: CHU, X. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Compression and Acceleration for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Author: LAN, W., 28 Jun 2024Supervisor: Cheung, Y. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Computational methods and mechanisms for evaluating and enhancing the robustness of energy distribution systems
Author: Shi, B., 2012Supervisor: LIU, J. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Computational models for mining online drug reviews
Author: Tang, C., 16 Aug 2014Supervisor: CHEUNG, K. W. (Supervisor) & Li, C. H. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Conditional random fields based method for feature-level opinion mining and results visualization
Author: Qi, L., 2012Supervisor: CHEN, L. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Construction of wavelets based on unitary transform, permutation and matrix extension with applications to watermarking
Author: Yang, J., 2005Supervisor: Tang, Y. Y. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Deep Learning Models for Irregular Electronic Health Record Data Analysis
Author: TAN, Q., 27 Sept 2021Supervisor: YUEN, P. C. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Defense of Face Presentation Attacks and Adversarial Attacks
Author: SHAO, R., 27 Sept 2021Supervisor: YUEN, P. C. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Dependency modeling for information fusion with applications in visual recognition
Author: Ma, J., 2013Supervisor: YUEN, P. C. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Design and control of an Internet telephony system
Author: Chin, C. K., 2000Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Design and Implementation of Multi-robots Visual SLAM System
Author: FENG, J., 23 May 2022Supervisor: XUAN YUAN, Z. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Designing and implementing relaxed-criteria G-negotiation agents
Author: Ng, K. F., 2008Supervisor: Sim, K. M. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Design of all-optical networks and web hosting service
Author: Chan, K. C. T., 2005Supervisor: LEUNG, Y. W. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis