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Nanostructured Magnetic Thin Film From Metallic Block Copolymers Lithography
HO, C. L. (PI)
Project: Research project
Dissecting the Gene Network of Epidermis Differentiation from Embryonic Stem Cells by Automated Lineaging
WONG, W. Y. (PI)
Project: Research project
A High-Output Protein Crystallography Facility with State-of-the-Art Area Detector and Automation Modules
MA, E. D. L. (PI)
Project: Research project
Home Science – Development of anEffective Online Tracking Platform for the Construction of Highly CustomizedLearning Strategy
MA, E. D. L. (PI)
Project: Teaching project
Printable flexible organic transistors for biological applications: from materials to devices
ONG, B. (PI)
Project: Research project
Home Science - Development of an effective online tracking plugin platform for enhancing the scientific thinking of students through the topic of pseudoscience
MA, E. D. L. (PI) & HAN, S. Q. B. (CoI)
Project: Teaching project
Development of Small Molecules for Alzheimer's Disease Treatment
WONG, R. M. S. (PI)
Project: Research project
Metallopolyyne Precursors for the Rapid Fabrication of Bit Patterned Media by Nanoimprint Lithography
WONG, W. Y. (PI)
Project: Research project
Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Two-Dimensional Metal Complex Nanosheets
WONG, W. Y. (PI)
Project: Research project
Rapid, Low-cost, High-Throughput Test of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Based on Novel Microfluidic Technology
REN, K. (PI)
Project: Research project
Development of cyclometalated iridium(III) complex-based sensors and their application to construct sensing platform for cancer biomarkers
MA, E. D. L. (PI)
Project: Research project
Development of Molecular Beacon-Conjugated Self-Assembling Protein Nanofibrils for Ultrasensitive Detection of MicroRNAs
LI, H. W. (PI)
Project: Research project
Aptamer: Molecular Insight & Translational Theranostics
LYU, A. (PI), ZHANG, G. (CoPI), REN, K. (CoPI) & Tan, W. (CoPI)
Project: Research project
Nano Structured Magnetic Thin Film from Self-Assembled Bimetallic Block Copolymers
HO, C. L. (PI)
Project: Research project
Application of metabolomics for metabolic mechanisms in 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxicity associated with liver cancer
LIN, S. (PI)
Project: Research project
Screening of G-quadruplex-selective luminescent iridium(Ⅲ) complexes and their application in the detection of nicking endonuclease activity
MA, E. D. L. (PI)
Project: Research project
Characterization and source apportionment of PM2.5-associated toxicity
HU, D. (PI)
Project: Research project
Multi-scale spatiotemporal single-cell in-situ analysis: Mechanism and biomedical applications
LI, H. W. (PI)
Project: Research project
Self-Assembling Lanthanide Nanotheranostics for imaging and inhibition of overexpressed proteins for cancer therapy 自組裝鑭系納米具有診療功能的納米顆粒對腫瘤中高表達蛋白的抑制和成像作用
WONG, K.-L. (PI)
Project: Research project
Development of efficient luminogenic materials in the aggregate state: fundamental understanding and practical applications
WONG, W. Y. (PI)
Project: Research project
Theranostic and Biophysical Lanthanide Approaches to Evaluate Protein-Protein Interactions in Combating Cancer Disease
WONG, K.-L. (PI)
Project: Research project