Student theses
- 1 - 50 out of 129 results
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A Blended Face-to-face and eHealth Lifestyle Intervention on Physical Activity, Diet, and Health Outcomes in Hong Kong Community-dwelling Older Adults
YANG, M. (Author), DUAN, Y. (Supervisor), 23 Sept 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A Blended Intervention to Promote Physical Activity, Health, and Work Productivity among Office Employees Using Intervention Mapping: A Randomized Controlled Trial
SUN, Y. (Author), GAO, Y. (Supervisor), 28 Aug 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Academic motivation is influenced by parental involvement: A study on the mediating effect of learner empowerment and filiao piety
TO, H. K. (Author), TSANG, Y. K. (Supervisor), 29 Jun 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A case study of Pakistani student’s experience of studying in Hong Kong mainstream primary school
WONG, C. H. (Author), WONG, M. W. Y. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Master's Thesis
A case study of two pilot universities' teacher education curricula under the context of free teacher education policy in mainland China
Hu, A. (Author), SIVAN, A. (Supervisor), 12 May 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A comparison of body density determinations using residual volume and total lung capacity in underwater weighing technique
Lee, C. S. (Author), 1998Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A comparison of infant-carrying methods with physical stress in Hong Kong Chinese female adults
Lu, K. (Author), LOUIE, L. H. T. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Adaptations of the Music curriculum for students with severe intellectual disabilities in Hong Kong: teachers' perceptions and practices
Ip, F. L. F. (Author), WONG, M. W. Y. (Supervisor), 25 Oct 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Analysis of lifestyle behavior and health status among adults in Hong Kong
Lo, K. C. (Author), CHEUNG, S. Y. (Supervisor), 28 Nov 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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An Analysis of the Strategic Planning of Winter Olympic Sport in China (Mainland): The Cases of Short-track Speed Skating, Curling and Freestyle Skiing (Aerials)
ZHEN, C. (Author), LAU, P. W. C. (Supervisor), 29 Jun 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A Narrative Inquiry of Teachers’ Identity Experiences in a Cross-Cultural School Context
MA, Y. (Author), HUANG, J. (Supervisor), 26 Sept 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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An Exploratory Study on Factors Affecting Hong Kong Children's Behaviour and Attitudes towards Environmental Conservation
WONG, W.-K. V. (Author), POW, J. W. C. (Supervisor), 28 Jun 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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An Exploratory Study on the Use of Self-referenced Formative Assessment on Learning Music Listening
YOUNG, S. Y. S. (Author), WONG, M. W. Y. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Master's Thesis
An Investigation of University English Instructors’ Formative Assessment Literacy in China
KANG, M. (Author), LAM, R. C. K. (Supervisor), 29 Jun 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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An investigation of using internet website, email and SMS on promoting physical activitiy in Hong Kong Chinese adolescents
Lau, Y. Y. (Author), LAU, P. W. C. (Supervisor), 2009Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A phenomenological study on the serious leisure experiences of Hong Kong adolescents
Siu, P. K. G. (Author), SIVAN, A. (Supervisor), 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A Policy Analysis of Elite Sport Development in Hong Kong: The Cases of Cycling, Fencing and Taekwondo
WU, W. (Author), LAU, P. W. C. (Supervisor), 27 Sept 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Application of the social cognitive theory to an electronic activity monitor system-based Physical Activity Intervention for working adults
Tam, K. M. (Author), CHEUNG, S. Y. (Supervisor), 26 Feb 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A psychological study of filial piety with special reference to the affective, cognitive, and behavioural aspects of moral development of Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong
AU YEUNG, K. Y. (Author), MA, H. K. (Supervisor), 28 Jun 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A qualitative study on recovery experience of people with schizophrenia in Hong Kong
Law, K. K. (Author), NG, P. Y. N. (Supervisor), 24 Aug 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A structural equation model of suicide ideation and its risk factors of depression, hopelessness, way of coping, and family relationship among Hong Kong children
Li, C. S. (Author), 2001Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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A Study of Internet Addiction and Career Motivation of Potential Esports Athletes and Non-Professional Gamers in Hong Kong
CHEUNG, Y. C. (Author), MA, H. K. (Supervisor), 28 Jun 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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A study of social annotation tool in facilitating collaborative inquiry learning
Chan, W. W. (Author), POW, J. W. C. (Supervisor), 28 Aug 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Bounded navigations to work: the experience of young people in Hong Kong
Yau, S. L. L. (Author), WONG, V. C. W. (Supervisor), 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Career maturity, career decision-making self-efficacy, interdependent self-construal, locus of control and gender role ideology of Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong
Lee, C. M. M. (Author), WU, Y. H. W. (Supervisor), 2007Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Connection between Mathematics and Go Game Problem-solving: A Knowledge Transfer Perspective
CHAN, K. F. (Author), LEUNG, A. Y. L. (Supervisor), 28 Jun 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Construct validity of the test of gross motor development - 2
Wong, K. Y. A. (Author), CHEUNG, S. Y. (Supervisor), 2006Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Contributors to wellness of university students
Pang, S. L. (Author), CHOW, B. C. (Supervisor), 28 Aug 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Correlates of psychosocial factors influencing children's participation in physical activity
Cheung, P. Y. (Author), CHOW, B. C. (Supervisor), 2006Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Creativity in teaching: conceptualization, assessment and resources
Cheng, M. Y. V. (Author), 2002Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Determinants of expertise of Olympic style Taekwondo performance
Kwok, H. M. H. (Author), CHEUNG, S. Y. (Supervisor), 13 Jun 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Determinants of quality of life in Chinese elderly women living alone in Hong Kong
Tso, B. C. P. (Author), FU, F. H. K. (Supervisor), 2007Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Development and validation of instruments for assessing mindfulness and decentering in Chinese athletes
Zhang, C. (Author), CHUNG, P.-K. (Supervisor), 4 Dec 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Development of resilience scale and examination of relationships among resilience, physical activity and mental health for older adults in Hong Kong
Hu, C. (Author), CHUNG, P.-K. (Supervisor), 24 Dec 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Didactical interactions and tool-task dialectic in mathematics classrooms
Lei, K. H. (Author), LEUNG, A. Y. L. (Supervisor), 17 May 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Effectiveness of Narrative Therapy on Students with Dyslexia in Hong Kong
LAU, C. Y. (Author), CHAN, S. (Supervisor), 25 Sept 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Effects of active video game intervention on promoting physical activity among Hong Kong Chinese children
Liang, Y. (Author), LAU, P. W. C. (Supervisor), 10 Aug 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Effects of a School-based Physical Activity Intervention for Obesity and Health-related Physical Fitness in Adolescents with Intellectual Disability
WANG, A. (Author), GAO, Y. (Supervisor), 28 Jun 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Effects of a structured physical activity program on motor performance and psychosocial behaviors of primary school students with intellectual disability
Choi, H. N. (Author), FUNG, L. (Supervisor), 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Effects of exercise-based interventions for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): a systematic review and meta-analysis
Sam, K. L. S. (Author), CHOW, B. C. (Supervisor), 23 Dec 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Effects of maximal intermittent exercise in normoxic and hypoxic environments on the release of cardiac biomarkers and the potential mechanism
Li, F. (Author), FU, F. H. K. (Supervisor), 12 May 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Effects of play on children's psychological adjustment from the perspectives of primary school children, class teachers and student guidance teachers
Luk, Y. F. (Author), CHIK, M. P. Y. (Supervisor), 2002Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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Effects of Tai Chi and walking exercise on selected parameters of middle-aged office workers
Guo, L. (Author), LEUNG, M. L. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Effects of unilateral and bilateral lower body plyometric training on jump ability and agility performance of young female volleyball players
Kong, T. Y. (Author), LOUIE, L. H. T. (Supervisor), 5 Jun 2018Student thesis: Master's Thesis
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eHealth Literacy and Physical Activity in Chinese College Students: Scale Development and Model Testing
LIU, H. (Author), CHOW, B. C. (Supervisor), 21 Feb 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Enhancing Self-regulated Learning through Prompts and Modeling: An Action Research with Virtual Flipped Classroom
FUNG, S. K. M. (Author), DENG, L. (Supervisor), 28 Jun 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Enjoyment and Metacognition of Reading Mediate the Linkage between Perceived Teacher Support and Chinese Students’ Reading Achievement: Insight from a Reanalysis of PISA 2018 Using Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling
ZHANG, C. (Author), TSANG, Y. K. (Supervisor), 28 Jun 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Examining Moral Orientation, Moral Development, Moral Identity and Moral Courage of Senior Secondary School Students in Hong Kong: the Impacts of Different Ethics and Religious Studies Curriculums
YIP, C. M. (Author), LUI, A. (Supervisor), 24 Aug 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Examining the Buffering Effects of Mindfulness on Problematic Smartphone Use
WONG, W. P. (Author), Li, S. C. (Supervisor), 28 Jun 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
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Examining the role of self-regulated learning in adolescent physical activity behaviour
Pitkethly, A. J. (Author), LAU, P. W. C. (Supervisor), 17 Aug 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis