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未来历史”的艺术语境中,如何融入我们每一个人当下的时代记忆;而一个微观的社区美术馆,又希望如何借助艺术,去塑造城市与生活? 01 未来想象力 “未来历史”,关键词是未来。 正如策展人方敏儿在导览中所说,不断去回顾和梳理历史的重要原因,是去寻找不一样的未来。面对时代节点,面对一个不确定的当下,每个人应该都有塑造未来的话语权。而此次展览的核心,是邀请不同经历和创作理念的艺术家,用科技手段去创造不一样的未来。 此次展览中,费俊、丹尼尔·尚肯(Daniel Shanken)、彼得·倪森(Peter Nelson)和许毅博四位艺术家的作品汇聚在云美术馆。其中费俊是中央美术学院设计学院艺术与科技方向教授,是学院派代表;许毅博原来的专业是雕塑,从雕塑转型艺术科技的创作;丹尼尔·尚肯(Daniel Shanken)擅长用电子设备、编码创作新媒体作品,而彼得·倪森(Peter Nelson)是一位视觉艺术家。
This exhibition also takes my core research direction with the historical perspective of a microhistory, it attempts to study, against an art history context of object-and-space field, what possibilities the four participating artists can bring to the narrating images, objects, and spaces created with the visual tools of new technology. Each work exhibited can be seen as a medium with its own characteristics and historical temporality, and individual art histories can be seen as the trajectories of different visual presentations. This exhibition, interpenetrated with three entry points— namely, space correlation, hyper materialities, visualizations and narrative—depicts the influence that the four artists’ works may exert on the future of artistic exploration, and reflects the possibilities and opportunities brought by digital technology and virtual space to the research of art history.