The Evolution of “Shen Ming Zhi Zhu” in Han Wei Dynasty and its Modern Development(從漢魏探討「神明之主」學說源流及其發展)

Activity: Conference/talk/lecture/symposium/speech/workshop, etcEvent organized by non-HKBU units


Lau WH, Chua KK, Li M.* (2018) “The Evolution of “Shen Ming Zhi Zhu” in Han Wei Dynasty and its Modern Development(從漢魏探討「神明之主」學說源流及其發展) ”, Poster Presentation at the International Conference of Brain Research in Chinese Medicine: Degeneration and Repair, 26-28 July 2018, CUHK, Hong Kong
Period26 Jul 201828 Jul 2018
Held atthe International Conference of Brain Research in Chinese Medicine: Degeneration and Repair, Hong Kong
Degree of RecognitionInternational