Jockey Club Food Assistance Programme - IT Sub Committee

Activity: Consultancy


The epidemic situation of COVID-19 has caused many to suffer from unemployment, economic hardship and family tension. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust took immediate actions to donate a total of HKD758 million to implement the “Jockey Club Food Assistance Programme” (“JCFAP”) which called for multidisciplinary collaborations to support the needy with diversified and human-centric food assistance. Its service includes the first-in-town online food ordering platform “E-Food Bank” and 24/7 Automated Food Dispensers which have been landed in various districts in the City. These innovative food delivery channels will make convenient access to 23,600,000 nutritious meals for approximately 170,000 individuals to provide them with nutritionists-recommended food choices and educate people on health literacy.
Work forThe Hong Kong Jockey Club